Saturday, February 24, 2024
Start to expositions in groups π✋ππ
Hello everyone, here with a new blog of the week...To start this week on Tuesday we finish with the complementary methods.
And on Thursday we started with our expositions about the methods with dynamics that the classmates shared with us as the class was going on.
In the meantime I will tell you a little bit about what is (De) Suggestopedia and Total Physical Response (TPR).
It is a method of teaching a foreing languague in which students learn quicky by
(De) Suggestopedia
* Physychology
Total Physical Response
It is simply a method through physical activity.
Based on the teaching of its creator, James Asher, the more often the memory connection is made, the stronger the memory association will be and the more likely it will be remembered.
Asher developed TPR as a result of his experiences observing young children learning their first language. He noticed that interactions between parents and children often took the form of speech from the parent followed by a physical response from the child. Asher made three hypotheses based on his observations: first, that language is learned primarily by listening; second, that language learning must engage the right hemisphere of the brain; and third, that learning language should not involve any stress. The method is an example of the comprehension approach to language teaching. Listening and responding (with actions) serves two purposes: It is a means of quickly recognizing meaning in the language being learned, and a means of passively learning the structure of the language itself. Grammar is not taught explicitly but can be learned from the language input. TPR is a valuable way to learn vocabulary, especially idiomatic terms, e.g., phrasal verbs.
Here some examples:
Saturday, February 17, 2024
The Silent Wayππ
ππ The Silent Wayππ
Hello me here again with a new blog for the week...✌π
We learned about "The Silent Wayππ" method, where we learned about Cuisenaire Rods, and how to make sentences or stories using this Cuisenaire Rods method.
Our first task after exploring the rods was to create a stories. It was interesting to watch classmates create their stories and see which classmate's group had to individually count/point the squares on each rod and which classmates could mental ‘hold’ the number as they counted.
The Silent Way, was founded in the early 1970s by the Egyptian mathematician and educator Caleb Gattegno. It is based on the idea that language learning can be enhanced in three main ways: discovery rather than teaching; problem-solving in the target language; the use of physical tools.
The Silent Way is a language-teaching approach created by Caleb Gattegno that makes extensive use of silence as a teaching method. Gattegno introduced the method in 1963, in his book Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent Way. The method emphasizes learner autonomy and active student participation. Silence is used as a tool to achieve this goal; the teacher uses a mixture of silence and gestures to focus students' attention, to elicit responses from them, and to encourage them to correct their own errors. Pronunciation is seen as fundamental to the method, with a great deal of time spent on it each lesson. The Silent Way uses a structural syllabus and concentrates on teaching a small number of functional and versatile words. Translation and rote repetition are avoided, and the language is usually practiced in meaningful contexts. Evaluation is carried out by observation, and the teacher may never set a formal test.
And also this day the teacher Orlando, made us practice this method, it was really an easy method to apply and understand.
This was our story with a slightly abstract shape of a heart...
The story was: The father plays with your daughter hide seek and with your neighborhood in the streets.
And finally a girl dressed as a Cosplay arrived in class.π❤ππ
πBye, Bye, See you the next weekπ
Saturday, February 10, 2024
The Audio-Lingual Methodππ
ππThe Audio-Lingual Methodππ
Hello everyone, here again with a new blog for the week, this week we finish with the topics "The Direct Method" and "The Grammar-Translation Method". But that's not all, we continue breaking down these fundamental methods, and we start with "The Audio-Lingual Method".
- REPETITION DRILL. Students should repeat what the teacher is explaining quickly and effectively.
- SUBSITITUTION DRILL. Students should repeat the dialogue that the teacher has assigned, substituting the sign on the line in its proper place.
- QUESTION-AND-ANSWER DRILL. Students will be subjected to a question and answer either by the teacher asking them questions, or by asking them to ask questions of their classmates.
- TRANSFORMATION DRILL. Students will be able to change sentences either from affirmative to negative or vice versa.
Friday, February 2, 2024
The Direct Method π¬
ππHello everyone, here I am again starting another blog for you, today I will tell you that we finished The Grammar-Translation Method and The Direct Method. We saw about its origin, how to work with it, how it became known and put into practice!!!!ππ
Here is some information about The Direct Method, its origin and how it was applied over the years.
The Direct Method
Welcome to My Blogs✌π
Final Midtermπ❤π
π❤πFINAL MIDTERMπ❤π Hello, guys, my dear readers, finally, today is the day in which what we did not want is fulfilled, it is the last...
Hello everyoneπππ, here I am writing my first blog about what I have seen in class this week starting with a little introduction about Th...
Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligenceπ€Έ, Interpersonal Intelligenceπ€ Intrapersonal Intelligenceπ and Naturalistic Intelligenceπ± Hello my dear r...
Logical/Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Verbal-Linguistic, and Musicalπ✨ππ€ Hello my dear readers, here I am with a new blog of the week an...